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Link Building 101: How to Use Relevant, Targeted Directories

Link building is a key part of any effective SEO strategy, providing website owners with more exposure and additional traffic. An efficient method for link building is via directories.
Directory sites categorize and list other websites for users searching for specific information or services, while simultaneously being an effective way of building backlinks to your own site. In this article we'll look at how relevant directories can aid link building initiatives; but first... what exactly are directories?
Directory websites offer users searching for specific information or services an invaluable resource, often organized by topic or industry for easy discovery of relevant websites.
Directory links tend to be seen as more valuable due to being harder to obtain; additionally, many established directories can increase website authority and visibility - here's how you can locate directories:
First step of using directories for link building: Locate relevant directories within your industry or niche. Here are a few strategies for finding such directories:
Google search: One of the easiest and simplest ways to locate directories is via Google's search function. Just enter in your industry or niche name along with "directory," and see what comes up!
Competitor Analysis: Another effective way of discovering directories is examining your competitors' backlink profiles with tools like Ahrefs or Moz. Doing this allows you to see if any links come from directories.
Industry Associations: Many industries maintain association directories of member websites; therefore, check any associations in your field to see if any offer an online directory listing that could include you as well.
Local Directories: When marketing physical locations, make sure to consider local directories as these can boost visibility in search results. So how can I select the proper directories?
Once you've identified a list of directories, it is critical to select only those which provide real benefit for SEO purposes. Not all directories offer equal results and some may even hinder it with low quality or spammy listings. Here are a few key considerations when selecting directories:
Relevance: Your directory should reflect the industry or niche it covers, while also including topics or audiences of particular significance to you.
Authority: When searching for directories, make sure they have an established history and high domain authority; this will help boost the authority of your website as a result.
Traffic: When selecting directories to list on, be sure that they provide sufficient traffic and engagement levels that drive visitors back to your website and generate new leads for you. This can help drive more leads towards you.
Editorial Standards: Look for directories that adhere to stringent editorial standards. Likewise, be wary of those that use manual review processes in order to ensure only high-quality sites make it into their directory. Submit Your Website To Directories (TIP 4)
Once you have selected relevant directories to target, the next step should be submitting your website to them. Here are some tips for doing so:
Comply with Directory Submission Guidelines: Each directory may have specific submission guidelines; read and follow them closely as failure to do so could result in your submission being declined.
Make Sure Your Website Is Easy for People to Locate: Choosing an Appropriate Category for Your Website: It is crucial that your website can easily be located by users and listed properly in search engines so as to increase its visibility and drive more traffic to it. Taking these steps will increase its exposure and potentially drive additional business your way.
Utilize descriptive titles and descriptions: When submitting your website, make sure it uses titles and descriptions that accurately reflect its purpose and content. This will make it easier for visitors to understand why they should visit and understand why.
Include accurate contact details: For some directories, providing accurate details is mandatory in order to be listed in their database. It is crucial that these details remain up-to-date and correct to build trust among editors as well as visitors of your website.
Submit to High-Quality Directories: Not all directories are created equal - some may possess greater authority and influence than others, which makes it essential that submissions to higher quality directories focus on positively impacting SEO and site visibility.
Track Your Submissions: Keep track of which directories and when you submitted your website. This can help avoid repeat submissions to directories as well as identify which directories bring the most traffic to your website.
Submitting your website to high-quality directories can be an effective way to raise its visibility and search engine rankings. By following the advice in this article and choosing directories that fit with your niche or industry, you can maximize its effect and ensure that it stands out among its peers online.