Gravatar is a service that allows users to associate a photo of their choice with their username.
Gravatar is a service that allows users to associate a photo of their choice with their username. It was created in 2005 by Chris Pirillo, and it has been used by over 100 million people since then.
The person who created the service, Chris Pirillo, had an idea for it when he was watching an episode of The West Wing and saw Josh Lyman (played by Bradley Whitford) wearing a picture on his shirt. He thought this would be cool, so he went online and found the site where people could create avatars for themselves. He then made some changes to make the avatar more appealing and shared it with his friends.
Gravatar is an online avatar service. It allows users to choose a unique, personal avatar which represents them across all their online activities.
Gravatar is a free service that allows users to choose a unique, personal avatar which represents them across all their online activities. The service was created by Scott Stuber in 2009 and has been growing ever since.
Gravatar is an online avatar service that allows users to choose a unique, personal avatar which represents them across all their online activities. The service was created by Scott Stuber in 2009 and has been growing ever since.
Gravatar is a service that allows people to use a photo of their choice as their online avatar. It is the most popular avatar system on the internet and can be found on more than 10 million websites.
Gravatar was created by Dan Shafer in 2005. He then sold it in 2006 to Automattic Inc., which is now known as, for $2 million USD.
Gravatar has been used by celebrities and politicians including President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Justin Bieber. The company also has an app for iOS devices that allows users to change their username at will
Gravatar is an avatar service that allows users to create a unique, personal avatar.
Gravatar is a service that allows users to create an avatar and share it with people on the internet. The user can then choose to have their Gravatar displayed on their personal website or blog. They can also embed the image in any webpage or Facebook page they own.
It was created by Peter Steinberger in 2005 as a way for members of the MySpace social network to find each other when they are not using their full names.
Gravatar is a service that allows users to customize their profile page with an avatar. It was created in 2005 by the Swedish web developer, Leif K-Brooks.
Gravatar is a service that allows users to customize their profile page with an avatar. It was created in 2005 by the Swedish web developer, Leif K-Brooks.
Gravatars are a great way to personalize your online presence. They are also used on social media networks to make your profile stand out.
Gravatars have become a popular method of personalization on the Internet. They allow you to use an avatar that is unique and can be easily recognized by others in the comment section, social media profile, and blog posts etc.
The most common type of gravatar is the square-shaped avatar with rounded corners that looks like this: ಠ_ರೃ